Public Notice: Beware of Telephone Scams

There have been numerous telephone scams over the past year involving individuals identifying themselves as representatives of the Superior Court or other public agency. In these scams, citizens are contacted by phone by someone claiming to be with the court, sheriff, or other affiliated public agency. The person is either told they are late paying a court fine, have an open warrant, have failed to report for jury duty, or something else related to the court system. Victims are being told that if they do not pay the caller (via credit card, Apple iTunes cards, or bank routing number, etc.) they will have additional penalties added or go to jail. Calls sometimes come from various 800 numbers that when used appear to duplicate a public agency’s phone system in order to give the impression of credibility.

Please note that these calls are fraudulent and have no connection to the Superior Court. Court personnel will never ask for personal information over the phone such as social security numbers, credit card accounts, or bank routing numbers. If you receive a phone call from someone making these claims and asking for personal or financial information, hang up and immediately report the situation to local law enforcement.

Additional information related to telephone and email fraudulent activity is available on the FBI’s public website at

If you get such a call, report it to your local law enforcement agency and file a report with the Federal Trade Commission at


Collaborative Courts to Hold Graduation Ceremony

WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022—4:00 P.M.

Bob Hope Theater, 242. E. Main Street, Stockton, CA

Stockton, CA — Over 170 participants of the Collaborative Courts have successfully completed one of the court rehabilitation programs at the Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin over the past year. On Wednesday, May 4, 2022, we will celebrate this achievement with a commencement ceremony at 4 p.m. at the Bob Hope Theater, 242 E. Main Street, Stockton, CA.

Collaborative Courts is a division of the Superior Court, which combines judicial supervision with monitoring and rehabilitation to reduce recidivism by addressing issues that contribute to criminal behavior. With the goal of improving public safety and client outcomes, these courts also are known as problem-solving courts. Collaborative Courts focuses on utilizing data-driven, evidence-based practices, comprehensive evaluation and assessment plans to improve the quality of the lives of the people we serve.

“San Joaquin Superior Collaborative Court is honored to host our annual graduation ceremony for our well-deserved participants.  It’s an opportunity to celebrate people from our community working to reach their next level of success.  Our participants worked hard to meet court dates and to complete service needs. The completion of this one-year program is no easy feat; however, the commitment was substantial, knowing failure was not an option.  We believe that positive opportunities like this are an essential step toward the success of our community”- Kelly Placeres, Director of Collaborative Courts.

The graduation program will feature:

Key Note Speaker – Dennis Gaxiola. Dennis Gaxiola is one of America’s funniest clean comedians. The Air Force veteran and preacher’s son has appeared on Comedy Central, stars, NBC and has a dry bar comedy special that has garnered over 150,000,000 views.

Graduate Speaker – David Batton. David Batton came to Compliance Court homeless, broken and unsure of the Court’s unusual approach to assisting his needs. He had been living behind a dumpster, and once told the Judge that he wanted to die an addict. However, despite his despondence he continued to make his court appearances. David was placed in a sober living home and received outpatient treatment. Once David embraced the process of recovery, he started counting the days he was clean and sober, sharing the incremental milestones with pride. David completed his treatment program and attained full-time employment. He continues to frequent support groups. He shared his goal with the court team that he wants to be a peer mentor to other Collaborative Court participants, and has initiated that process. We are all very proud of David Batton as he moves towards a very independent, positive and productive life. 

Collaborative Courts, a division fully supported by grants, includes Drug Court (Track 1 and 2), Dependency Drug Court (PROP 1 and 2), DUI Court, Parole Reentry Court,      Veterans Court, three AB109 reentry courts – Compliance Court, Monitoring Court, Mandatory Supervision Court, and the “Choices and Consequences” prevention program, which are school presentations that aim to deter middle school and high school students from using drugs and alcohol.

For more information, please contact Kelly Placeres at 992-5225.


Department L-2 to Close

Effective Monday, April 18, 2022, Department L-2 and one of the Clerk’s Offices at the Lodi Branch Court will close. Department L-2 is located at 315 W. Elm Street, Lodi, CA 95240.

With the closure of Department L-2, all small claims, unlawful detainer (landlord-tenant), name changes, limited civil, civil harassment and traffic cases, and Fish and Game and City Ordnance matters will be heard at the main Stockton Courthouse located at 180 E. Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202. Criminal matters currently scheduled in Department L-2 will be heard in Department L-1. Parties to cases with hearings scheduled in Department L-2 for dates on or after April 18, 2022, will receive notice of their new court date and department at the Stockton courthouse. All related filings are to be filed at the Stockton courthouse. There is no estimate on when Department L-2 will reopen.

Department L-1 and the other Clerk’s Office located at 217 W. Elm Street, Lodi, CA 95240 will remain open to hear criminal cases.

San Joaquin Superior Court Seeking Applicants to Serve on the 2022-2023 Civil Grand Jury

Stockton, CA — The San Joaquin County Superior Court is seeking applicants to serve on the fiscal year 2022-2023 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury.  The deadline for application submission is April 8, 2022.

Applications can be obtained by calling (209) 992-5290.   Applications can also be found on the court’s website at:

Members of the 2022-2023 Civil Grand Jury will begin serving July 1, 2022. The Grand Jury is comprised of nineteen citizens whose names are randomly selected from  applicants nominated by the Judges of the Superior Court.  The Civil Grand Jury inquires into and investigates the functions and operations of governmental bodies, agencies and public officials within San Joaquin County, as well as investigates complaints received from the public.  Past reports have focused on juvenile group homes, community college and school districts, jail operations, special districts and housing authorities.

Comments from recent past grand jurors regarding their involvement and their    experiences include, “A strong desire to serve our citizens and making sure all governmental agencies are doing their job.”  “I love the fact that jurors have vast knowledge in the field they have worked in, which give first-hand experience to topics   discussed . . .” and, “Meeting a wide variety of community members and working together.”

Due to COVID-19, applicants must be able to work via telephonic or video appearance (a smart phone and internet access are required). 

A Grand Juror must be at least 18 years of age, a United States citizen who has    resided in San Joaquin County for at least one year, possess sufficient knowledge of the English language, and is not now serving as a trial juror or elected public official.  Qualified applicants may be interviewed by a Superior Court Judge.  The San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office will conduct background investigations, which includes a record check from law enforcement agencies.


New Presiding Judge and Assistant Presiding Judge, 2022-2023


FOR 2022 AND 2023

Stockton, CA — Judge Michael D. Coughlan is the new Presiding Judge and Gus C. Barrera, II is the new Assistant Presiding Judge. Their terms commenced January 1, 2022 and run through December 31, 2023.

Judge Coughlan served as the former Assistant Presiding Judge in 2020 – 2021 and replace outgoing Presiding Judge Xapuri B. Villapudua. Judge Coughlan earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of the Pacific and his Juris Doctor degree from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. Judge Coughlan began his legal career in private practice, which included practicing as a managing lead attorney with the California State Auto Association. He then entered into civil litigation as a solo practitioner, where he specialized in insurance coverage, personal injury, commercial litigation, mediation, and arbitration. Judge Coughlan was appointed to the Superior Court by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2005.

Judge Barrera earned a Juris Doctor degree from the Brigham Young University Law School and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Berkeley. He was a partner and attorney at the Law Offices of Allan Jose and Gus Barrera II from 2005 to 2010. Judge Barrera served as a deputy district attorney at the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office from 1998 to 2005 and was an associate at David   Allen and Associates from 1997 to 1998. He had been a sole practitioner since 2011 when he was appointed to the Superior Court by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. in 2016.  In addition to serving as the Assistant Presiding Judge, Judge Barrera will continue to sit as the Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court.

The Presiding Judge, with the assistance of the Court Executive Officer, is responsible for leading the court, establishing policies, and allocating resources in a manner that   promotes equal access to justice, maximizes the use of judicial and other resources, increases efficiency in court operations, and enhances service to the public. The Assistant Presiding Judge shall act in the absence of the Presiding Judge and will then assume the role of the Presiding Judge when the two-year term as Assistant expires.


Public Notice: Clerk’s Office and Self Help Center Hours

Beginning Monday, January 3, 2022, the Clerk’s offices at all locations will be open        8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding    holidays.  Clerk’s Offices can also be contacted as follows:

· By Telephone: To contact the Court by telephone, please visit the Court’s website at for current hours and contact information. 

· Support On-line: Questions can be submitted via the support link on the Court’s website at

There are drop boxes outside of the Stockton and Lodi Courthouse. For the Manteca Branch and the Juvenile Justice Center, a drop box is located within the buildings.  eFiling is available for Civil, Family Law, Criminal Motions and Probate. Please visit for information.

The Court’s Records Management Division, where copies of court records can be  obtained, will continue to assist the public by way of appointments. To request an appointment,     visit and go to Divisions — Records Management —Appointments or click this link  You may also call 209-992-5697, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., for more information on how to request an appointment.

The Self-Help Center will be open to the public for in-person assistance from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, excluding holidays.  The center is open from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for in-person assistance on Wednesdays.  Online workshop assistance is available at (response time is three to five days), telephonic assistance by calling (209) 992-5283      between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., and via email at   For updates about hours of operation, workshops and other available self-help online services, visit the Court’s website at


Public Notice: Mandatory Masking Beginning Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The health and safety of court users, judicial officers and our employees is our top priority. Pursuant to California Department of Public Health guidelines, effective Wednesday, December 15, 2021, all persons must wear a face covering to enter any courthouse and at all times while inside regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status.


22nd Annual Adoption Saturday ~ November 20, 2021

Contact: Sonya Farnsworth                                                                                                                                                   

Telephone: (209) 992-5333                                                                                                                                                             


On Saturday, November 20, 2021 at 9 a.m., the Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, will host National Adoption Day with San Joaquin County Human Services Agency, Parents by Choice, Family Connections Christian Adoptions, AspiraNet, Alternative Family Services, and Family Extension. This year’s event will celebrate and finalize adoptions for 21 families and 29 foster care children.

This event will be presided over by Judges Barbara A. Kronlund, Seth R. Hoyt, Jr., Anthony P. Lucaccini, and Erin Guy-Castillo and will begin with a brief welcome and introduction. Also, a couple adoptive families will share their own personal story.

Upon reflection of this eventful day, Judge Kronlund said, “This is truly a most heart-warming experience for everyone involved. Children, who through no fault of their own need families, find their forever homes. Families, missing something that only a beautiful child can bring to them, see their dreams fulfilled. Instant families are created; and families grow before our eyes.  And these children can all rest assured, they are truly wanted and loved because they were picked to join these select families.”

Volunteers from the court and agencies participate in this special day by working together to celebrate the joys of adoption and encourage more families and individuals to give children permanent families through adoption.

National Adoption Day has been celebrated across the nation on the Saturday before Thanksgiving and to raise awareness of the more than 120,000 children and youth in foster care waiting to find a permanent and loving family. Over the past 22 years, the nationwide collective effort of judges, lawyers, court staff, foster professionals, child advocates, sheriff personnel, and many others has made the dreams of over 75,000 children and youth come true by working on this one special day to finalize adoptions for children and youth in foster care.

For your convenience, here is information regarding the event:

– Begins at 9:00 a.m., Jury Room 12th floor

– Court opens to families at 8:15 a.m.

– Welcome/Introduction: Judges Barbara A. Kronlund, Seth R. Hoyt, Jr., Anthony P. Lucaccini, and Erin Guy-Castillo

– Stockton Courthouse – 180 E. Weber Ave., Stockton, CA

– Members of the public and press are invited to attend court in person.  Press interested in recording court proceedings via TV camera and recorder, still camera, and/or audio must complete required paperwork.

Court Seeks Public Comment on FY 2021-2022 Proposed Budget


Pursuant to Government Code section 68511.7, the Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin is providing the public with notice and opportunity for comment prior to adoption of the trial court’s Proposed Baseline Budget Plan for Fiscal Year 2021-2022.

The Court will accept written comments on the Proposed Baseline Budget Plan (attached) through 5 p.m. on Thursday, September 23, 2021. Per Government Code section 68511.7(d), the Court is not obligated to provide responses to the comments received. Please submit your comments
electronically to or by mail to:

Stephanie Bohrer
Asst. Court Executive Officer
180 E. Weber Ave., Ste. 1306E
Stockton, CA 95202

The proposed budget will be adopted by the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court five business days following the posting of this notice.


STOCKTON – Over 500 participants of the Collaborative Courts have successfully completed one of the court rehabilitation programs at the Superior Court of California, Count of San Joaquin County over the past two years. On Thursday, August 26, 2021, we celebrate this achievement with a commencement ceremony at 4 p.m. at the Stockton Arena, 248 W. Fremont St., Stockton, CA.

Collaborative Courts is a division of the Superior Court, which combines judicial supervision with monitoring and rehabilitation to reduce recidivism by addressing issues that contribute to criminal behavior. With the goal of improving public safety and client outcomes, these courts also are known as problem-solving courts. Collaborative Courts focuses on utilizing data-driven, evidence-based practices, comprehensive evaluation and assessment plans to improve the quality of the lives of the people we serve.

“Collaborative Courts and Programs would like to congratulate our graduating clients! This graduation is not only a time to celebrate, however, to reflect on the strength, perseverance and determination to succeed,” said Kelly Placeres, Director of Collaborative Courts and Programs. “This graduation would not have taken place had it not been for the support of the clients, staff members, outside agencies, and community services support. Despite the challenges associated with the pandemic, the Collaborative Courts enhanced the support of their clients and the community. These challenges were met with modifications and innovative methods. The priority to continue to provide critical services and support is paramount to the success of the clients and the community.”

The graduation program will feature:

Key Note Speaker – Kevin J. Lincoln II, Mayor of Stockton. Mayor Kevin J. Lincoln was elected to office in November 2020. Born in Stockton, Mayor Lincoln was raised in an Army family and was inspired to serve others. He joined the United States Marine Corps in 2001 and began his training at the military police academy. Mayor Lincoln was later recruited by the White House Military Office and assigned to Marine One, where he would serve President George W. Bush. Following his service in the military, he worked for one of the nation’s top private security companies for eight years in the Silicon Valley.

In 2013, Mayor Lincoln felt the desire to resign his corporate position to serve the community of Stockton through full-time ministry at a local church. His decision to run for mayor stemmed from this love of people, and desire to serve the City of Stockton. He will focus on the fundamental needs of the community and build bridges of trust to address and resolve issues including homelessness, public safety, civic engagement, and economic development, among others. Mayor Lincoln has an Associates of Arts in Business, Bachelor of Science in Business Management, and a Master’s Degree in Executive Leadership. The Mayor and his wife Bonnie have been married for 19 years and have two wonderful children.

Graduate Speaker: Mark Castaneda. Mr. Castaneda came to our Drug Court in custody, homeless with nowhere to go. Since his graduation in Aug 2020, he enrolled at Delta College to major in Mathematics, maintaining a 4.0 GPA and a spot on the Dean’s List. He volunteers his time to be a part of SJDC Rising Scholars (supporting housing insecure students), Phoenix Project (supporting formerly incarcerated students), MESA (supporting the science/tech/engineering/math students) and is the Treasurer of the club SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers). He was recently accepted into the NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars. He is set to transfer to UOP in the Spring of 2022 where he has changed his major and is pursuing a BS in Engineering Physics.

Collaborative Courts, a division fully supported by grants, includes Drug Court (Track 1 and 2); Dependency Drug Court (PROP 1 and 2); DUI Court (Track 1 and 2); Parole Reentry Court; Veterans Court, three AB109 reentry court – Compliance Court, Monitoring Court, Mandatory Supervision Court; and the “Choices and Consequences” prevention program, which are school presentations that aim to deter middle school and high school students from using drugs and alcohol.

For more information, please contact Kelly Placeres at 992-5225.