2022-2023 San Joaquin Civil Grand Jury Releases report on the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority

Stockton, CA — Today, the 2022-2023 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury released its report investigating the Easter San Joaquin Groundwater Authority (ESJGWA). The ESJGWA is comprised of 16 Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) covering the entire Eastern San Joaquin Subbasin and is responsible for developing, adopting and implementing a legally sufficient Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) that covers portions of the subbasin within the jurisdictional boundaries. Having received a citizen’s complaint and subsequently reviewing concerns about public outreach and engagement by the ESJGWA in the course of its work, and because of the significance of water issues to San Joaquin County residents, the 2022-2023 Grand Jury elected to undertake an investigation.

In the course of the investigation, the Grand Jury conducted 12 interviews with the complainant, members of the ESJGWA Board of Directors (current and former), County staff, representatives of several stakeholder groups, and interested citizens. The Grand Jury also reviewed ESJGWA governance documents, meeting minutes, budgets, annual reports, initial and final GSPs, and public outreach materials; websites of the ESJGWA and its member GSAs; portions of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act and related Department of Water Resources requirements, California Water Code, and other relevant government codes; stakeholder correspondence; news media stories on groundwater in the Central Valley; and many other pertinent documents.

The Grand Jury concluded that while the ESJGWA has successfully developed and is currently implementing its GSP, concerns exist about inadequate public engagement, a lack of transparency in the conduct of its business, and administrative issues. The Grand Jury’s recommendations, include, but are not limited to:

• Develop, adopt, and implement a plan to improve public communications and outreach.

• Identify ways to better find and engage with members of disadvantaged communities (DACs), including non-English speakers, in the San Joaquin Subbasin.

• Update the website, esjgroundwater.org, to ensure full compliance with the provisions of SB 929, SB 272, Government Code Section 7405; identify members of the board, reflect the actual dates and times for Board meetings; and enable easier public access to ESJGWA financial information, meeting agendas, minutes and other official documents.

• Formalize the status of the TAC as a standing committee and bring it into compliance with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act.

• Monitor the expiration dates for any relevant governance or contractual documents and GSP implementation deadlines to ensure the Board can act before any lapses occur.

• Ensure staff support is adequate for efficient, cost-effective operations.

The public is encouraged to read the complete report by visiting the Grand Jury’s website.


2022-2023 San Joaquin Civil Grand Jury Releases report on At-Risk Youth in San Joaquin County

Stockton, CA —  Today, the 2022-2023 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury released its report investigating the policies, procedures, and standards applicable to the care of At-Risk Youth in San Joaquin County.  At-Risk Youth are defined as children who do not have the opportunities, experiences, or resources necessary to succeed in life. These children have significant obstacles they need to overcome, including but not limited to parental neglect, abandonment, and medical or psychological needs that their families cannot or will not deal with on their own. In some cases, the children are victims of abuse or criminal activity.

The Grand Jury cited a citizen’s complaint as the basis for its investigation, which alleged the At-Risk Youth being housed at the Mary Graham Children’s Shelter (MGCS) were   either  engaging in or were victims of dangerous behaviors during their stay. Specific attention was concentrated on MGCS and interactions with the County Sheriff’s Office; however, during the early stages of the investigation, it became clear that the complaints the Grand Jury received were not solely due to failures of these agencies’ policies and procedures. Multiple agencies, including the County’s CPS, Sheriff’s Office, Probation Department, and Courts, are ineffective in managing At-Risk Youth and their families. The focus of the Grand Jury investigation shifted to assess the quality of care At-Risk Youth  receive from various social welfare and law enforcement entities in San Joaquin County.

In its investigation the Grand Jury toured MGCS, the Juvenile Detention Center, and Children’s Home of Stockton, conducted twelve interviews, participated in four agency presentations, and reviewed numerous  documents, statutes, and regulations.  The Grand Jury determined there are several reasons At-Risk Youth are in harm’s way, including:

· an increase in the population of At-Risk Youth who are more challenging to manage;

· staffing issues, including insufficient number of available floor personnel, and lack of leadership;

· lack of sufficient training for administrators, onsite management, and staff necessary to deal with the challenges presented by the enactment of new laws and regulations;

· lack of interagency cooperation within the County; and

· lack of foresight and preparedness to deal with Criminal Justice Reform as it pertains to youthful offenders.

The Grand Jury found the issues above bring into question the overall effectiveness of the County’s current commitment to caring for At-Risk Youth. The collective findings of this investigation indicate that the County can be its own worst enemy when it comes to developing solutions to the ongoing problem of providing a safe environment for these At-Risk Youth, while also providing the services necessary to foster an ideal and secure  environment where they can grow into productive citizens.  Unfortunately, no magical    solutions exist to solve the problems affecting these youth. The Grand Jury recommends all County agencies involved in the care of this very  vulnerable segment of the County’s    population must come together to create, implement, monitor, and advocate for better programs, care, and treatment of At-Risk Youth.

The public is encouraged to read the complete report by visiting the Grand Jury’s website.


2022-2023 San Joaquin Civil Grand Jury Releases report on School Safety in San Joaquin County

Stockton, CA —  Today, the 2022-2023 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury released its report investigating school safety in San Joaquin County.  The Grand Jury cited recent events in San Joaquin County and elsewhere raised the question of whether the schools in the County were taking appropriate steps to protect students and staff.

Rather than focusing their investigation on one type of school safety threat, such as school shootings, or on school safety planning at one school or district in the County, the Grand Jury concluded it would best serve San Joaquin County citizens to review emergency preparedness planning for threats across the school safety continuum. The Grand Jury evaluated school safety planning from a layperson’s perspective by measuring each district’s preparedness against best practices as identified through research and expert testimony. The Grand Jury’s report shares with the public the results of that evaluation.

In its investigation through multiple interviews, site visits, and expert witness testimony, the Grand Jury found while many protocols have been established in the County, there is no unified approach to school safety. Rather, safety planning often consists of a patchwork of policies and procedures and many of the Comprehensive School Safety Plans (CSSPs)    required by law are boilerplate documents that are rarely specific to school sites. The Grand Jury reported schools in San Joaquin County are safer because of recent efforts by school districts, but more can be done.  The Grand Jury’s recommendations, include, but are not limited to:

· The San Joaquin County Office of Education and the San Joaquin County Office of Education Board of Trustees develop, adopt, and host an annual School Safety Summit.

· School districts create more opportunities for meaningful involvement by parents, students, and staff in safety planning efforts.

· Law enforcement must be more involved in the process of development, implementation, and annual updates of the CSSP, including participation in safety   training/drills, building relationships with students and staff, and helping to create a culture of safety.

· Each school site’s CSSPs account for dangers unique to the specific school site (e.g., train tracks, flooding, freeways).

· Safety drills should be conducted on different days throughout the school year and at various times throughout the school day.

· All school sites post flip charts or similar summaries of emergency procedures be posted in all classrooms and common areas.

The public is encouraged to read the complete report by visiting the Grand Jury’s website.


San Joaquin County Superior Court Appoints New Court Executive Officer

Stockton, CA —  The Judges of the San Joaquin County Superior Court are pleased to  announce the appointment of Stephanie Bohrer to the position of Court Executive Officer (CEO).  Ms. Bohrer replaces Brandon E. Riley, who recently left the Court to become the Court Executive Officer of the San Francisco County Superior Court. 

Ms. Bohrer has served the San Joaquin County Superior Court since 2005, and has extensive experience in all aspects of court administration and operations.  She most recently served as the Assistant Court Executive Officer (ACEO) where she directed court operations, including the clerk’s offices, courtroom operations, interpreter and jury services, and self-help. During her tenure as ACEO, she also served as the Court’s chief labor negotiator and Public Information Officer.  Additionally, Ms. Bohrer served as the Court’s Human Resources Manager for four years and was responsible for the human resource needs of 340 employees and subordinate judicial officers. For nearly ten years, she was a Court Management Analyst and served as the Court’s Public Information Officer, supervised jury operations, managed the civil mediation program, and was the case coordinator for the Unified Family Court. 

Ms. Bohrer holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in Psychology and Sociology from the University of California, Davis and a Graduate Certificate in Judicial Administration from California State University, Sacramento.

Ms. Bohrer will assume the role of CEO immediately.  “Stephanie’s wealth of knowledge and experience in court administration and operations will be invaluable as she takes on her new position at the Court.  I am  confident she will do an excellent job,” said Presiding Judge Michael D. Coughlan.

“I am truly honored and excited for the opportunity to serve the Court in this new role, and continue to work closely with judges, court staff, and our justice partners to provide access to justice for all citizens of San Joaquin County,” said Ms. Bohrer.


Collaborative Courts to Hold Graduation Ceremony on May 18, 2023

When: 5/18/23– 4:00 p.m.
Where: Bob Hope Theater, 242 E. Main Street, Stockton, CA

Stockton, CA — Over 230 participants of the Collaborative Courts have successfully
completed one of the court rehabilitation programs at the Superior Court of California,
County of San Joaquin over the past year. On Thursday, May 18, 2023, we will celebrate
this achievement with a commencement ceremony at 4 p.m. at the Bob Hope Theater, 242
E. Main Street, Stockton, CA.

Collaborative Courts is a division of the Superior Court, which combines judicial
supervision with monitoring and rehabilitation to reduce recidivism by addressing issues
that contribute to criminal behavior. With the goal of improving public safety and client
outcomes, these courts also are known as problem-solving courts. Collaborative Courts
focuses on utilizing data-driven, evidence-based practices, comprehensive evaluation and
assessment plans to improve the quality of the lives of the people we serve.

“Our clients have worked diligently to complete this milestone, and we are pleased to share
in their accomplishment. Collaborative Court goals are to reduce substance use, recidivism,
and increase family reunification. Our San Joaquin County Collaborative Court believes
that when our clients find sobriety, everyone benefits. The benefits translate to the
communities, family members, reduced jail population numbers, and a reduction of
children in foster care. We are honored to celebrate and acknowledge their successes!”-
Kelly Placeres, Director of Collaborative Courts

The graduation program will feature:
Key Note Speaker – Juan Oregel
Graduate Speaker – Armando Martinez

Collaborative Courts, a division fully supported by grants, includes Drug Court (Track 1
and 2); Dependency Drug Court (PROP 1 and 2); DUI Court; Parole Reentry Court;
Veterans Court, three AB109 reentry courts – Compliance Court, Monitoring Court,
Mandatory Supervision Court; and the “Choices and Consequences” prevention program,
which are school presentations that aim to deter middle school and high school students
from using drugs and alcohol.

For more information, please contact Kelly Placeres at 992-5225.

Interim Court Executive Officer Appointment

Presiding Judge Michael D. Coughlan, with the concurrence of the executive committee of Judges, appointed Mrs. Stephanie Bohrer as interim Court Executive Officer for the Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin.  This appointment is effective on Monday, May 15, 2023.

Mrs. Bohrer’s appointment is to replace Brandon E. Riley, who is leaving to become the Court Executive Officer of the San Francisco Superior Court.

Mrs. Bohrer has been the Assistant Court Executive Officer (ACEO) for three years. She directs court operations, including the clerk’s offices, courtroom operations, interpreter and jury services, and self-help. She is also the Court’s chief labor negotiator and the public information officer.

Bohrer has served the San Joaquin Superior Court for 18 years. Before becoming ACEO, she was the Human Resources Manager, responsible for the human resource needs of 340 employees and subordinate judicial officers. Her work resulted in technological innovations, policy development, successive collective bargaining agreements, and various court services.

From 2005 to 2015, Ms. Bohrer worked as a Management Analyst for the Court. She served as the Court’s Public Information Officer, supervised jury operations, managed the civil mediation program, and was the case coordinator for the Unified Family Court.

Mrs. Bohrer holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in Psychology and Sociology from the University of California, Davis. She also earned a certificate in Judicial Administration from California State University, Sacramento.

Presiding Judge Coughlan had this to say, “Brandon was an outstanding CEO.  I wish him continued success in his new role as CEO of the San Francisco Superior Court. There is no one more capable or qualified than Stephanie, and I am confident she will do an excellent job.”

The outgoing CEO, Mr. Riley, said “I am confident in Ms. Bohrer’s abilities. She is revered positively among her peers and subordinates, and I’m sure she will continue to be a valued resource to the Court.” 


2022-2023 San Joaquin Civil Grand Jury Releases report on San Joaquin County Custodial Facilities: Failing to Comply with the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003

Stockton, CA —  Today, the 2022-2023 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury released its report investigating San Joaquin County custodial facilities’ compliance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA).  PREA helps to create a safe and secure detention system by addressing the issue of sexual abuse in detention facilities and protecting the rights and safety of individuals. Failure to meet standards under PREA can result in serious consequences for detainees, inmates, and residents, and an inability to protect vulnerable individuals housed at the County custodial facilities.

The Grand Jury cited multiple media reports of sexual abuse in San Joaquin County custodial facilities and review of complaints stemming from allegations of sexual and physical abuse occurring in those facilities as the reason for their investigation.  The Grand Jury investigated the policies, procedures, and standards established and applicable to San Joaquin County custodial facilities to combat sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and     physical abuse against and by those in custody. The Grand Jury toured the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Detention Facility, the Juvenile Detention Facility, and the Lodi Police Department Jail to determine if federally mandated standards are being met. They reviewed numerous documents, video files, and regulations. They also conducted five separate interviews.

In its investigation, the Grand Jury’s found the custodial facilities in the County did not have comprehensive knowledge of all PREA provisions and were not in compliance. Based on its findings, the Grand Jury recommended several corrective actions:

· audit reports for the County Jail and Juvenile Detention Facility be completed by a Certified PREA Auditor and submitted to the Department of Justice every three years as required by PREA Standards;

· all County custodial facilities provide detainees, inmates, and juvenile residents with access to better written and comprehensive PREA materials;

· detainees, inmates, and juvenile residents at County custodial facilities be provided with all of the required PREA information during the screening and intake process and then again during subsequent PREA training;

· detainees, inmates, and juvenile residents be given information on how to file a confidential report in private with an outside agency or entity;

· complete the installation of video monitoring equipment to enable video coverage for all interactions between staff and inmates, eliminate blind spots, and add video capabilities in interrogation rooms at the County Jail; and

· provide a written policy and procedure describing how juvenile residents (under the age of 18) and older residents (who are 18-25 years of age) housed at the County Juvenile Detention Facility maintain separation when required.

The public is encouraged to read the complete report by visiting the Grand Jury’s website.


Esmeralda Zendejas Appointed to San Joaquin County Superior Court Bench

Stockton, CA — The Judges of the Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin are
pleased to announce the appointment of Esmeralda Zendejas to the position of Superior Court
Judge. Ms. Zendejas was appointed to the bench on February 17, 2023, by Governor
Newsom to fill a new position created on July 1, 2022.

Ms. Zendejas has served as an Attorney at the Department of Industrial Relations since 2022.
She served as a Deputy Attorney General at the California Attorney General’s Office from
2020 to 2022. She was Agricultural Worker Program Director at California Rural Legal
Assistance Inc. in 2020 and held several positions there from 2006 to 2020, including Staff
Attorney and Agricultural Worker Program Regional Director.

Ms. Zendejas is an active member of the legal committee. She has been a member of the
Executive Committee for the Labor and Employment Law Section of the California Lawyers
Association since 2019 and a member of the Cruz Reynoso Bar Association since 2021. At
the local level, she has been a Mock Trial volunteer since 2019 and served in a number or
roles with the San Joaquin County Bar Association, including on the Executive Committee of
the Women’s Lawyers Section and a First Impressions volunteer.

Ms. Zendejas was admitted to the California State Bar in December 2008. She earned a Juris
Doctor degree from the University of California, Davis School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts
degree in Political Science and Spanish from University of California, Davis.
“I am privileged to have been appointed to serve on the bench in the County of San Joaquin
and, as a native of Stockton, I commit to help carry forward justice on behalf of all members
of this community,” said Ms. Zendejas.

A state Judicial Needs Assessment has found that the San Joaquin Superior Court is in need
of additional judgeships. The appointment of Ms. Zendejas will greatly assist the Court’s goal
in continuing to provide access to justice for court litigants.

Ms. Zendejas’s formal and public swearing in ceremony has yet to be scheduled.


San Joaquin County Superior Court Seeking Applicants to Serve on the 2023-2024 Civil Grand Jury

Stockton, CA — The San Joaquin County Superior Court is seeking applicants to serve on the fiscal year 2023-2024 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury.  The deadline for application submission is March 17, 2023.

Applications can be obtained by calling (209) 992-5695.   Applications can also be found on the court’s website at:  http://www.sjcourts.org/general-info/civil-grand-jury.

Members of the 2023-2024 Civil Grand Jury will begin serving July 1, 2023. The Grand Jury is comprised of nineteen citizens whose names are randomly selected from  applicants nominated by the Judges of the Superior Court.  The Civil Grand Jury inquires into and investigates the functions and operations of governmental bodies, agencies and public    officials within San Joaquin County, as well as investigates complaints received from the public.  Past reports have focused on juvenile group homes, community college and school districts, jail operations, special districts and housing authorities.

Positive comments from recent past grand jurors regarding their involvement and their  experiences include, “A strong desire to serve our citizens and making sure all  governmental agencies are doing their job.”  “I love the fact that jurors have vast knowledge in the field they have worked in, which give first-hand experience to topics   discussed . . .” and, “Meeting a wide variety of community members and working together.”

Applicants must be able to work in-person and have the ability to work remotely via telephonic or video appearance (a smart phone and internet access are required). 

A Grand Juror must be at least 18 years of age, a United States citizen who has resided in San Joaquin County for at least one year, possess sufficient knowledge of the English language, and is not now serving as a trial juror or elected public official. Qualified applicants may be interviewed by a Superior Court Judge.  The San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office will conduct background investigations, which includes a record check from law enforcement agencies.

Public Notice: Lodi Branch Court to Close Effective March 1, 2023

Effective Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Department L-1 and the Clerk’s Office at the Lodi Branch Court will close.  Department L-1 is located at 217 W. Elm Street, Lodi, CA 95240.  Department L-2 and adjoining Clerk’s Office located at 315 W. Elm Street closed earlier this year in April.

Criminal matters currently scheduled in Department L-1 on or after March 1, 2023 will be heard in Stockton.  Parties to cases will receive notice of their new court date and  department at the Stockton courthouse.  All related filings are to be filed at the Stockton courthouse. 

The Court is facing a shortage in judges due to recent and upcoming retirements.  These retirements significantly decrease judicial officer resources and necessitate the closure of the Lodi Branch Court.  Judicial officer vacancies are filled through appointment by the Governor and it is unknown when appointments will be made.  Although the closure is meant to be a temporary measure, there is no  estimate on when the Lodi Branch Court will reopen.
