The Collaborative Courts are an evidence based drug court model, which establishes a court team that builds on a long lasting partnership of community provided services that involve county government, including the Board of Supervisors and Superior Court administration. The Collaborative Courts work with individuals and families in the criminal justice, and child welfare systems that have been met with the challenge of substance abuse, mental illness and other social welfare issues. Clients are supervised by judicial officers who oversee the client treatment progress through regular court hearings, which includes the use of incentives and sanctions. It is vital that this community collaborative creates access to substance abuse and mental health treatment along with a myriad of additional agencies that provide academic and vocational programming, social services for offenders and their families, housing resources, and other resources needed for a successful reentry into the community. The goal of the Collaborative Courts is to improve client outcomes, reduce recidivism and improve public safety.

The San Joaquin County Superior Court has successfully implemented six adult drug courts since 1995, which include: Parole Reentry Court, Drug Court, DUI Drug Court, Dependency Drug Court, Veterans Court, and AB109 Compliance Courts, all of which have been highly successful.

Veterans Courts


Honorable Judge K. Jacot, Dept. 5C

1st & 3rd Fridays at 9:30AM

Military Diversion is a pre-trial diversion program for veterans charged with a misdemeanor (as well as certain felonies) who suffer from sexual trauma, traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, or mental health problems as a result of their service. When a veteran successfully completes the Military Diversion program, the arrest and charges are dismissed and sealed and cannot be used to deny employment, benefit, license, or certificate.

Veterans Treatment Court is available to veterans who otherwise do not qualify for Military Diversion. It is an alternative sentencing program that requires regular court appearances, as well as mandatory attendance at treatment sessions and regular testing for substance use. The program is designed to provide treatment and rehabilitation in lieu of jail and when successfully completed may result in a reduction or waiver of fines, early termination of probation, or having charges reduced, dismissed, or expunged.

Dependency Drug Court


Honorable Judge Holly – Dept. 9D

Tuesdays at 11:00AM (PROP 2)

Honorable Judge Mulvihill – Dept. 9C

Fridays at 1:30PM (PROP 1)


The PROP (Parental Recovery Options Plan) program was designed to provide an intensive court monitoring system to increase family reunification rates in San Joaquin County for families that have substance abuse problems. PROP is divided into two separate levels of monitoring:

PROP I is the first level of monitoring. Clients report to Dependency Court every 30-45 days. PROP I is recommended for clients with little or no prior history with:

  • Child Protective Services
  • Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Domestic Violence
  • Criminal History

PROP II is the second level of increased court monitoring. Clients are monitored by Drug Court weekly, bi-weekly and then monthly as the client progresses throughout the year. PROP II is for clients who have a prior history with:

  • CPS/Reunification failure
  • Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Domestic Violence
  • Criminal History
  • Pos-Tox Infants
  • PROP I Failure

Office Hours:

Monday through Friday 8:00AM – 4:30PM (closed for during the lunch hour- 12:00 – 1:00PM)

Adult Drug Court


Commissioner Michael J. Rasmussen – Dept. 3C

Track 2: Mondays

8:30AM Track 2 (Females)

9:00AM Track 2 (Males)

Track 1: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 8:30AM


The purpose of Drug Court is to provide intensive court monitoring so that drug court clients can achieve total abstinence from drugs and alcohol and become productive and responsible members of society.

Eligibility for Drug Court:

San Joaquin County Drug Court targets individuals charged with misdemeanor or felony offenses. The judge orders formal or informal probation with a specific condition that the defendant enters and completes the Drug Court treatment program. Referrals are at the discretion of the Judge, District Attorney, and Defense Attorney.

Office Hours:

Monday through Friday 8:00AM – 4:30PM (closed for during the lunch hour- 12:00 – 1:00PM)

Parolee Reentry Court


Honorable Judge K. Jacot– Dept. 5C

Tuesdays at 3:00PM


The Parolee Reentry Court Program (PRC) establishes a long lasting partnership of community services that involves county government and criminal justice representatives, which will aid with parolee reentry into the public.


  • Both male and female parolees who reside in San Joaquin County, who have been released and have violated a condition of their parole.
  • Parolees who are considered a high risk at returning to prison.


  • Mandatory 12 months participation in PRC
  • Substance abuse counseling
  • Evidence based treatment programs
  • Judicial supervision
  • Focus obtaining and maintaining employment
  • Transitional living, a safe & sober environment
  • Focus on obtaining GED if needed
  • Reunification with family
  • Primary health care and dental services
  • Anger management services
DUI Court


Honorable Judge K. Jacot —Dept. 5C

Thursdays – Tier II DUI Court

8:30AM – DUI Court (Females)

10:00AM – DUI Court Tier II (Males)

Thursday – Tier 1 DUI Court

3:00PM – DUI Court


This Multi-track DUI Court is an intensive program that combines judicial supervision with monitoring, drug and alcohol testing, mandated treatment when needed, and the use of incentives and sanctions to influence behavior changes. Participants are required to have one year of alcohol monitoring in addition to random drug and alcohol testing.


  • All second offense DUIs and higher
  • Watercraft DUIs and wet and reckless repeat offenders


  • Regular court appearances
  • Accountability to fulfill both DMV and court sanctioned sentencing mandates
  • Regular drug and alcohol testing
  • Home inspections to ensure alcohol free compliance
  • Attendance to 12-step recovery programs
  • Treatment as mandated by the court
Post Release Compliance Court


Commissioner Michael J. Rasmussen – Dept. 3C

Wednesdays at 8:30AM


The Post Release Supervision Court Program (PRS) establishes a long lasting partnership of community services that involves county government including the Board of Supervisors and Superior Court administration, which will aid with probation reentry into the community.


  • Both male and female AB109 Probationers in the San Joaquin County, who have been released and referred by probation.
  • Probationers considered at high risk for reoffending.


  • Judicial Supervision
  • Substance abuse counseling
  • Focus obtaining and maintaining employment
  • Transitional living, a safe and sober environment
  • Focus on obtaining GED, if needed
  • Reunification with family
  • Primary health care and dental services
  • Anger management services

Office Hours:

Monday through Friday 8:00AM – 4:30PM (closed for during the lunch hour- 12:00 – 1:00PM)

Monitoring Court


Honorable Judge K. Jacot– Dept. 5C

1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 3:00PM


The Monitoring Reentry Court Program is to address Post Release Community Supervision clients that have been assessed by Probation as High Risk for Violence and Gang Affiliation. Provides resources needed for a successful reentry into the community.


Both male and female AB109 Probationers in the San Joaquin County, who have been identified by probation as high risk for violence and/or low to moderate substance abuse users.


  • Judicial Supervision
  • Counseling for violent behaviors
  • Substance abuse counseling
  • Focus on obtaining and maintaining employment
  • Obtaining GED, if needed
  • Transitional living, a safe and sober environment
  • Reunification with family
  • Linkage to health care and dental services

Office Hours:

Monday through Friday 8:00AM – 4:30PM (closed for during the lunch hour- 12:00 – 1:00PM)

Choices & Consequences


Programs take place at local schools. Days and times vary.


Choices and Consequences is a DUI prevention program which conducts real sentencing hearings at local schools so that students can see what some of the consequences of driving under the influence can be. The cases sentenced at these assemblies are actual DUI cases from San Joaquin County courts who receive community service credit for agreeing to participate. The program also includes an interactive session between the Judge and the students, followed by a video which depicts local people who have both lost and taken lives of loved ones through drinking and driving. Typically, the program is offered to 8th, 9th and 10th grade students.

Homeless Court

Homeless Court Brochure 2022
Tribunal de Personas Sin Hogar


Honorable Judge Kronlund
Homeless Court is held at:St. Mary’s Interfaith Community Services

545 W. Sonora

Stockton, CA 95203

Last Friday of the Month from 3:00 – 5:00PM (Except holidays – check the schedule.)


Homeless Court was developed with the goal of assisting the homeless of San Joaquin County clear up:

  • Minor traffic and moral offenses
  • Bench warrants and Failures to Appear
  • Old fines owed

Without the threat of incarceration and fines individuals serve their sentences with community service volunteer work and participation in programs (AA, Mental Health, etc.) as set up by their shelter case workers.

Individuals can sign up at:

  • Any Homeless Shelter in San Joaquin County
  • Veteran’s Administration
  • Women’s Center
Forensic Courts (Mental Health)


Honorable Judge K. Jacot – Dept. 5C Tuesday 10:00AM

Description: Behavioral Health Services Forensics Court is year-long substance abuse and mental health program.

Eligibility: Individuals, ages 18 years or older, who have been determined eligible via the court process and have been diagnosed with a serious mental disorder are eligible for the Forensic Court Program.


Assessment for program services
Evidence-based treatment services
Individual treatment planning
Individual and groups support services
Substance Abuse Recovery Services
Court appearances and monitoring (Judicial Supervision)