Pursuant to Government Code section 68511.7, the Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin is providing the public with notice and opportunity for comment prior to adoption of the trial court’s Proposed Baseline Budget Plan for Fiscal Year 2024-25.

The Court will accept written comments on the Proposed Baseline Budget Plan (attached) through 5 p.m. on Monday, October 14, 2024. Per Government Code section 68511.7(d), the Court is not obligated to provide responses to the comments received. Please submit your comments electronically to or by mail to:

Erica A Ochoa
Assistant Court Executive Officer
180 E. Weber Ave., Ste. 1306E
Stockton, CA 95202

The proposed budget will be adopted by the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court five (5) business days following the posting of this notice.


Public Notice: Receipt of Annual Allocation of the Trial Court Budget After Enactment of the Budget Act of 2024

Stockton, CA — The Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin is in receipt of the annual allocation of the 2024-2025 trial court budget from the Judicial Council of California following the enactment of the Budget Act of 2024.

California Rule of Court 10.620(f) requires trial courts to provide notice no later than 15 court days after “receipt of the annual allocation of the trial court budget from the Judicial Council after enactment of the Budget Act.” The Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee’s reports to the council provide helpful discussion and detail behind the allocations and can be viewed by following the links below on the California Courts website:



Stockton, CA — On June 18, 2024, the Governor appointed two Judges: Judge Katy Jacot and Judge Gurjit Singh Srai, to the San Joaquin Superior Court Bench.

Judge Katy Jacot has been appointed to serve in an interim appointment as a Judge in the San Joaquin County Superior Court.  Judge K Jacot served as a Commissioner at the San Joaquin  County Superior Court since 2023.  She served as a Deputy Public Defender at the San Joaquin’s Pubic Defender’s Office from 2007 to 2022.  She was an Associate at Oium, Reye,& Pryor from 2006 to 2007 and at O’Conner, Cohn, Dillon & Barr from 2003 to 2006.  Jacot was an Associate at Branson, Brinkop, Griffith & Strong LLP from 2001 to 2003.  She earned a Juris Doctor degree from the Santa Clara University School of Law.  She fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Richard Vlavianos.  The Governor’s appointment allows her to assume the position she was otherwise elected to begin in January 2025.

Judge Gurjit Singh Srai has been a Sole Practitioner since 2010. He was an Associate at Scott Mitchell Law Inc. in 2010.  Judge Srai earned his Juris Doctor degree from the Chapman University School of Law. He fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Robin C. Appel.  Judge Gurjit Singh Srai is the first Sikh American Judge in San Joaquin County.

Presiding Judge Gus Barrera II, had this to say, “We are extremely excited with the appointments of Judge Katy Jacot and Judge Gurjit Srai to the bench.  Both are hardworking, dedicated, and have the temperament necessary to be great judicial officers.  Judge Jacot has been an indispensable part of the court as a commissioner over the past year and a half.  Judge Srai brings a wealth of experience from different disciplines as a private practitioner for many years in San Joaquin County.  These appointments reflect the great diversity in our community.” 

The formal swearing in ceremonies for Judge Katy Jacot and Judge Gurjit S Srai have yet to be scheduled.

After this election, the Court has one judicial vacancy that needs to be filled. In addition, a state Judicial Needs Assessment has found that the San Joaquin County Superior Court is in need of additional judgeships.  


2023-2024 San Joaquin Civil Grand Jury Releases Final Consolidated Report and Selection of The 2024-2025 Civil Grand Jury

Stockton, CA — Today, June 28, 2024, the 2023-2024 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury released its final consolidated report. The final consolidated report contains investigative reports, findings and recommendations developed in the 2023-2024 term. Civil grand jurors examine and investigate local      governmental activities within San Joaquin County. The responsibilities of the civil grand jury encompass the examination of all aspects of county government, including school and special assessment districts, to ensure that the county is being governed lawfully, efficiently and that public monies are being handled appropriately. The grand jury may conduct investigations of public agencies and the administration and affairs of any city within the county.

Hon. George J. Abdallah, Jr., Supervising Judge of the San Joaquin County Grand Juries commented on the 2023-2024 Civil Grand Jury’s work, saying, “As the Grand Jury Advisor and Supervisor, it has been my privilege to review the work of the 2023-2024 Grand Jury. The efforts, commitment, collective wisdom and experience of these dedicated individuals will continue to better the civic life of all San Joaquin County residents. To each member of the 2023- 2024 San Joaquin County Grand Jury, for your many accomplishments, the Superior Court extends its congratulations and gratitude ”

Today, also marks the day the members of the 2024-2025 Civil Grand Jury will be selected and sworn in. The selection and swearing in will take place in Department 3D at 3:00 p.m. The Civil Grand Jury is comprised of 19 citizens who are impaneled annually for a one-year term. The 2024-2025 term begins July 1, 2024.

The public is encouraged to read the final consolidated report by visiting the Grand Jury’s website.



Stockton, CA —  Today, the 2023-2024 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury (Grand Jury)  released its report investigating  the Tracy City Council. The City of Tracy has been plagued with a city council that cannot form a civil, cohesive governing body willing to set aside differences and personal agendas for the benefit of City residents. The 2018-2019  Civil Grand Jury issued a report entitled “Restore the Public Trust”. That investigation highlighted the inability of the Tracy City Council to work together cohesively, manifested by unprofessional behavior towards each other during public meetings. In addition, a         consistent 3/2 voting block existed leading to the termination or forced resignation of a City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Police Chief. The unexplained departures of the City’s administrative leaders created an unstable working environment at City Hall.  The most significant recommendation in that report was for the Council to establish a Code of Conduct to guide them on how to work together more effectively and respectfully.

The Grand Jury reviewed various City of Tracy and Council records and interviewed several officials, employees, City of Tracy citizens, residential and commercial developers, and a San Joaquin County employee.

The Grand Jury found there is continued disfunction among the elected officials of the Tracy City Council and made recommendations within the areas of the City Council, the City Attorney, and City Council hired staff.  Some of the Grand Jury’s recommendations include, but are not limited to:

  • By October 1, 2024, members of the City Council need in-depth and continuous training on the understanding and the effective utilization of the City of Tracy Code of Conduct, City of Tracy Council Meeting Protocols and Rules of Procedures, and Rosenberg’s Rules. Members of the City Council and the City Attorney should refer to the League of California Cities: Counsel and Council: A Guide to Building a Productive City
  • By October 1, 2024, an outside legal firm should be engaged to help expedite the current work backlog in the City Attorney’s office.

The public is encouraged to read the complete report by visiting the Grand Jury’s website.


2023-2024 San Joaquin Civil Grand Jury Releases Report on the Stockton City Council

Stockton, CA —  Today, the 2023-2024 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury (Grand Jury)  released its report investigating the Stockton City Council.  In response to complaints received, the Grand Jury investigated potential new Brown Act violations by members of the Stockton City Council. Similar complaints about previous Brown Act violations by the City Council were also received during the 2022-2023 Grand Jury term; however, as these earlier complaints were submitted late in that term, they were forwarded to the current Grand Jury for evaluation and potential action. Additionally, the Grand Jury received complaints about the creation of a fearful work environment within Stockton City Government caused by individuals associated with 209 Times, LLC, a social media platform (SMP), who reportedly used emails and public comments to continuously intimidate city staff and elected officials.

In the course of the investigation, the Grand Jury conducted interviews with current and former Stockton City Councilpersons, City employees, consultants to the City of Stockton, an attorney with The Fair Political Practice Commission (FPPC) and citizens. The Grand Jury reviewed a variety of materials such as newspapers (The Record, The Los Angeles Times, Tracy Press, The Sacramento Bee), press releases, Stockton City Council meeting minutes, and documents like the City of Stockton Charter and Code of Conduct, as well as ethics codes and policies from San Francisco, Alameda, and Lodi. It also encompassed San Joaquin County Superior Court case records. Online resources reviewed included websites and posts from the FPPC, California League of Cities, San Francisco Ethics Commission, 209 Times and its SMP, NPR articles,, and the FPPC. Additionally, previous grand jury reports (notably 2013-2014 Case 1113), Stockton City Council and the Brown Act publications, FPPC candidate filings, and Stockton City Council training  records were examined.

The Grand Jury found and concluded the efficient and ethical governance of the City of Stockton is under threat from both external and internal forces. Externally, individuals using a SMP have persistently attempted to undermine the local democratic process, by influencing election results. Internally, certain Stockton City Council members who support the SMP’s efforts are contributing to the erosion of camaraderie, trust, respect, and ethical governance. Continued violations of the Brown Act by these council members further compromise good governance for Stockton’s citizens. While the Grand Jury staunchly supports Freedom of Speech as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, the misuse of this right by individuals spreading misinformation and creating a  fearful work environment for city staff and officials is unacceptable and must be stopped. The Grand Jury’s recommendations, include, but are not limited to:

  • The City Council should cease supporting individuals associated with the SMP to prevent interference with effective governance. By March 31, 2025, the City Council should implement rules for managing unlawful threats, referring them to the District Attorney, and adopt an ordinance to enhance election transparency, similar to San Francisco’s regulations.
  • By March 31, 2025, the City should strengthen its Closed Session policies to prevent the disclosure of confidential information by banning electronic devices and requiring attendees to sign a secrecy pledge. Additionally, the City should create an ordinance for handling Brown Act violations, including an impartial review process and sanctions such as public censure and committee removal.
  • By March 31, 2025, the City should engage an impartial third-party investigator to examine the City’s Ethics Hotline procedure, aiming to restore confidence among employees and the public in the system.

The public is encouraged to read the complete report by visiting the Grand Jury’s website.



05/02/2024-4:00 p.m. Bob Hope Theater, 242 E Main Street, Stockton, CA

STOCKTON – Over 275 participants of the Collaborative Courts have completed one of the court rehabilitation programs at the Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin over the past year. On Thursday, May 2, 2024, we will celebrate this achievement with a commencement ceremony at 4 p.m. at the Bob Hope Theater, 242 E. Main Street, Stockton, CA.

Collaborative Courts is a division of the Superior Court, which combines judicial supervision with monitoring and rehabilitation to reduce recidivism by addressing issues that contribute to criminal behavior. The goal of these problem-solving courts is improving public safety and client outcomes,

“We are delighted to announce the graduation of over 275 participants from our Collaborative Court Programs. After the conclusion of the ceremony, there will be a reception in the lobby of the theater where participants and their families connect with the officials who supported them throughout the program. We encourage you to come to congratulate the graduates on their achievements and acknowledge their hard work and dedication”. – Kelly Placeres, Director of Collaborative Courts

Key Note SpeakerPastor Chris Mullen. Chris Mullen embarked on a path of drugs and dealing at the age of twelve, leading a recurring pattern of criminal behavior. He cycled in and out of prison, serving a total of six years behind bars. In 1997, he quit taking drugs and started a new path in life. Driven by his commitment to serving the inmate community, he resigned from a lucrative job during the recession of 2009. This new direction in life led him to start a registered non-profit called Mercy and Grace, with the belief that “a hard life lived can be a new life transformed.” Mercy and Grace has served over 100,000 inmates.

Graduate SpeakerPaul Reed. Paul Reed is a resilient single parent of seven-year-old twins, Ian and Ivy. Despite being deaf since age two due to a severe fever, Paul faced homelessness and the challenges of parenting amidst substance use and his disability.  Entering drug court on March 9th, 2023, he not only conquered addiction but also flourished, paving the way for reunification with his children. Today, both of his children are in his care, he has obtained his driver’s license, and he is officially employed at the      program. As he approaches graduation from the drug court program, Paul’s journey embodies resilience, hope, and the transformative power of community support. His story serves as a beacon of inspiration, demonstrating that with courage and determination, any obstacle can be overcome.

                For more information, please contact Kelly Placeres at 992-5225.



Stockton, CA — On April 12, 2024, the residents of San Joaquin County elected two new Judges: Katy Jacot and Peter Devencenzi.

Judge-Elect Katy Jacot has been a Superior Court Commissioner since January 3, 2023.  In her current role as Commissioner for the Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, Judge-Elect Jacot handles matters such as Criminal, Limited Civil, Small Claims, Civil Harassment, and Traffic. Prior to becoming Commissioner, she worked in the San Joaquin Public Defender’s Office as a deputy public defender from January 1, 2007, until her selection as Commissioner.   Judge-Elect Jacot graduated from California State  University, Chico with a degree in Political Science and obtained her Juris Doctor from Santa Clara University, School of Law.

Judge-Elect Peter Devencenzi is a deputy district attorney for the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office and joined the office in January 2013. While at the District Attorney’s Office, Judge-Elect Devencenzi’s case load consisted of Felony and hearings. Prior to his work at the District Attorney’s office, he worked at the Fresno County District Attorney’s Office and practiced Civil law with the firm of Mayall Hurley.  Judge-Elect Devencenzi attended the University of the Pacific and majored in Political Science with a minor in Pre-Law.  Judge-Elect Devencenzi obtained his Juris Doctor from McGeorge School of Law.

Presiding Judge Gus Barrera II, had this to say, “I congratulate both Judge-Elect Jacot and Judge-Elect Devencenzi for running a very strategic, thoughtful, and effective campaigns.  Each brings great legal experience and perspective to our bench.  Both are extremely hardworking, enthusiastic, dedicated, and will be tremendous additions going forward. I look forward to working with each of them in their new roles.” 

Judge-Elect Jacot and Judge-Elect Devencenzi will take the bench on January 1, 2025 unless they receive an early interim appointment by Governor Gavin Newsom. Their  swearing in ceremonies have yet to be scheduled.

After this election, the Court has two judicial vacancies that need to be filled. In addition, a state Judicial Needs Assessment has found that the San Joaquin County Superior Court is in need of additional judgeships.



Stockton, CA — On March 12, 2024, Governor Gavin Newsom appointed Chrishna Martinez to serve as judge on the San Joaquin Superior Court bench.

Judge Chrishna Martinez currently serves as a Deputy Public Defender at the San Joaquin County Public Defender’s Office and has done so since 1999. As a Deputy Public Defender, she has handled felony, misdemeanor, juvenile delinquency, and juvenile dependency cases. Her most recent assignment has been in the Collaborative Courts.  She earned a Juris Doctor degree from the University of California, Davis School of Law.

“I am honored to be appointed to serve as a judge in San Joaquin County.  I am committed to upholding the principles, of justice, fairness, and integrity while serving the community,” said Judge Martinez. Judge Martinez is actively involved in the community having served as Chair of the Women Lawyers Section and Vice Chair of the Criminal Law Section, and volunteering at the First Impressions Program and the Just The Kids Program.

Presiding Judge Gus Barrera said, “We are very pleased that Chrishna has been appointed to our bench. Chrishna has a reputation for zealously representing her clients and is well respected within the legal community. She has extensive experience in the courtroom and a keen legal acumen. The litigants that come before her will benefit greatly from this wisdom.”

The appointment of Judge Martinez will greatly assist the Court’s goal in continuing to provide access to justice for court litigants. Judge Martinez fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Bernard J. Garber in February 2023.  After this appointment, the Court has two judicial vacancies that need to be filled. In addition, a state Judicial Needs Assessment has found that the San Joaquin County Superior Court is in need of additional judgeships.

Judge Martinez’s swearing-in ceremony has yet to be scheduled.


San Joaquin County Superior Court Seeking Applicants to Serve on the 2024-2025 Civil Grand Jury

Stockton, CA — The San Joaquin County Superior Court is seeking applicants to serve on the fiscal year 2024-2025 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury.  The deadline for application submission is March 22, 2024.

Applications can be obtained by calling (209) 992-5695.   Applications can also be found on the court’s website at:

Members of the 2024-2025 Civil Grand Jury will begin serving July 1, 2024. The Grand Jury is comprised of nineteen citizens whose names are randomly selected from  applicants nominated by the Judges of the Superior Court.  The Civil Grand Jury inquires into and investigates the functions and operations of governmental bodies, agencies and public officials within San Joaquin County, as well as investigates complaints received from the public.  Past reports have focused on juvenile group homes, community college and school districts, jail operations, special districts and housing authorities.

Positive comments from recent past grand jurors regarding their involvement and their  experiences include, “A strong desire to serve our citizens and making sure all governmental agencies are doing their job.”  “I love the fact that jurors have vast knowledge in the field they have worked in, which give first-hand experience to topics  discussed . . .” and, “Meeting a wide variety of community members and working together.”

Applicants must be able to work in-person and have the ability to work remotely via telephonic or video appearance (a smart phone and internet access are required). 

A Grand Juror must be at least 18 years of age, a United States citizen who has resided in San Joaquin County for at least one year, possess sufficient knowledge of the English language, and is not now serving as a trial juror or elected public official. Qualified applicants may be interviewed by a Superior Court Judge.  The San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office will conduct background investigations, which includes a record check from law enforcement agencies.
