San Joaquin County Bar Association Launches Unity Bar In Honor of Justice William J. Murray, Jr. The San Joaquin County Bar Association has launched a new section of the Bar named The Justice William J. Murray, Jr. Unity Bar Section of the San Joaquin County Bar Association. The new section of the Bar will strive to bring together members of various affinity groups along with those who are not identified with any particular group, in the pursuit of promoting unity and diversity in the legal profession. This section will provide a united front for Bar members to stand collectively in solidarity against all forms of racism and discrimination of any type, and
promote unity and solidarity with one another.
The Unity Bar is named in honor of Justice William J. Murray, Jr. because he is a visionary, who tried to start a Unity Bar in San Joaquin County 15 years ago, but he was told there wasn’t a need for one. The Bar believes Justice Murray is deserving of recognition and honor for his tireless leadership to our bench and bar, as well as for his positive efforts throughout the entire state’s judicial system, and extensive contributions to legal and judicial education, as well as impactful and extensive community outreach. He is a jurist of great distinction who has made significant contributions to our profession and has consistently promoted unity, fairness, access, and justice.
Justice Murray served on San Joaquin County Superior Court’s bench for fifteen years until he was appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger to the California’s Third District Court of Appeal. Prior to his appointment as a judge, he served nearly ten years with the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office. Known for his community outreach activities, he was a cocreator of the court’s innovative and award winning Court-Community Leadership & Liaison
Program and Jury Compliance and Education Program.
The first session of the Unit Bar will be held on May 18, 2021, from 12:30 to 1:30PM Judge Connie Callahan, Justice William J. Murray, Jr., Judicial Appointments Secretary Luis Cespedes, and other charismatic speakers are scheduled for the introductory Zoom meeting. The event is limited to bench and Bar members.