
Welcome to the San Joaquin County Superior Court’s Traffic Division. This Division has jurisdiction over Vehicle Code Violations, local Municipal Code Ordinances, some Minor Misdemeanors, Infractions, Fish & Game, and Animal Codes.

You may choose to resolve your infraction matter by using the Courts new Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). Click here for more information regarding ODR.

For Lodi Court contact information.

For Manteca Court contact information.

Traffic Court

An infraction is a violation of, or failure to comply with, certain provisions of the vehicle code, local ordinances, or other law or statute. Infractions are not punishable by imprisonment and most only require the payment of a fine (plus assessments and fees) to fulfill the requirements on your notice to appear. You may not be sentenced to alternate jail time on an infraction and cannot have a trial by jury.

Some vehicle code misdemeanors may also be processed in the traffic department, i.e. driving without a valid license or driving on a suspended license.

Financial Hardship

If you cannot pay the full amount of a fine for an infraction offense (including most traffic tickets), you may ask the Court to reduce the amount you owe based on your ability to pay through the newly launched website:

For further information, please click here.

Legal Advice

Please be aware that the Superior Court staff is not authorized by law to give legal advice. If you are seeking legal advice, you should consider consulting a licensed attorney. You may also wish to visit the San Joaquin County Law Library or the Superior Court’s Self-Help Center for additional information and forms.

Traffic Self-Help Information

Traffic infractions are enforced by the issuance of traffic tickets (“citations”) by law enforcement. It is important to read the information on the front and back of the citation. The front side of the citation provides the following information:

  • Citation number
  • Date and time of the citation
  • Violation(s) for which you were cited
  • Place and time by which you promised to appear

While it is not mandatory the court send out notification, a reminder notice is generated and mailed to the address listed on the citation. If your address is different than the one listed on the citation, you may not receive a reminder notice. If you do not receive a reminder notice, you may search our case management system to verify if the court has received your citation from the law enforcement agency who issued it.

Traffic Case Search

Some citations require a mandatory court appearance. The date and time of your hearing will be on your reminder notice and you must personally appear in court.

It is your responsibility to follow up with the court for the fine amount, hearing date and the payment due date of your citation if you do not receive a reminder notice. If you do not take care of your traffic citation in a timely manner, the court may authorize collection actions on the bail amount.

Paying the Fine
  • You may pay your fine in full online. There is a 5% processing fee when paying by credit card or a $1.00 fee if paying by electronic check.
  • To pay by phone, please call (209) 235-9735. There is a 5% processing fee when paying by credit card or a $4.00 fee if paying by electronic check.
  • If you choose to pay by mail. You may submit a check or money order (do not send cash) payable to the Superior Court. You may also pay using a credit card, by completing the Authorization for Credit Card Use form on the backside of your reminder notice. There is no additional processing fee by choosing this option.
  • If your fine includes the option to provide proof of correction for a reduced fine, you cannot pay for your citation online or by phone.

If your citation is not past due, you may request a one-time 60-day extension on your due date by telephone, in person, or by mail. If your citation is past due, you must appear before the Judge or Commissioner for any further continuance.

To Contest your Citation/or Request a Court Date

If you wish to contest your citation, you must do one of the following:

  • Use the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) program in lieu of appearing in person.
    ODR is an online option to possibly resolve your traffic infraction case without having to personally appear in Court. ODR is available to you 24 hours a day from your phone, tablet, or computer. Please click here for more information.

    If your matter is a misdemeanor violation, Fish & Game, Local County Ordinance, or Animal Code, you cannot use ODR. Please contact the traffic department for further assistance for these types of violations.
  • Set a court date. You do not need to post bail for this option. An arraignment is where you are advised of your rights and the charges against you and you enter a plea. The citing officer will not be there. If you plead not guilty, a trial date will then be set. The officer will be subpoenaed by the court for that date and you may also present your evidence then. The court will decide if you are guilty or not guilty. You can set a court date for arraignment by contacting the court clerk at the number listed on the Home page for the branch court in which you wish to appear or by coming in-person to the traffic window of that court.
  • Request a court trial without an arraignment on a different day. To do this, you must pay the full “Amount Due” listed on your Courtesy Notice by the Due Date. By using this option, you are also waiving time, meaning your trial can be set more than 45 days from your payment. You can request this by mail by including a letter with your payment stating that you intend to plead not guilty and would like a court trial. Mail the payment with the letter, pay in person at any court branch, or pay online. There is a 5% fee for paying online, which will not be returned if you are found not guilty. Click here to pay online. Once your payment has been received, you will be notified of the time and place of the trial. Depending on the outcome of the trial, your payment (minus the 5% fee for paying online) will either be refunded or applied to your fines, fees, and assessments. If you are found guilty, the option to attend traffic school will be at the discretion of the judicial officer.
  • Request a trial by written declaration. This option allows you to plead not guilty and contest your citation without appearing in court at all. This option is only available for Vehicle Code infractions of local ordinances adopted pursuant to the Vehicle Code. You must pay the full “Amount Due.” You can mail the payment with your request for a trial by declaration (TR-200, TR-205), pay in person, or pay online. There is a 5% fee for paying online, which will not be returned if you are found not guilty. Click here to pay online. Once your payment has been received, the court will send you instructions and the forms to use. Depending on the outcome of the trial, your payment (minus the 5% fee for paying online) will either be refunded or applied to your fines, fees, and assessments. If you are found guilty, the option to attend traffic school will be at the discretion of the judicial officer.
Traffic School

You may be eligible to attend Traffic School, if you meet the following requirements:

  • You have a valid California Driver’s License.
  • You cannot be assigned to, nor have attended traffic school in the last 18 months.
  • If charged with a speeding violation, the speed must not have been in excess of 100 m.p.h.
  • If charged with a speeding violation, the speed must not have been in excess of 25 m.p.h. over the posted speed limit.
  • You must be charged with an infraction, not a misdemeanor.
  • The section(s) cannot require a mandatory appearance.
  • If you hold a commercial driver’s license, you were not driving a commercial vehicle. (See Commercial Driver License section.)
  • Certain serious vehicle code violations are not eligible for traffic school.

If you meet these requirements and wish to attend Traffic School, you will be required to pay an Administrative Fee of $52 to the court, PLUS the amount of bail indicated on your courtesy notice. There will be a separate fee collected directly by the Traffic School you choose to attend. NOTICE: If you are eligible and decide not to attend traffic school your automobile insurance may be adversely affected. For drivers with a noncommercial driver’s license, one conviction in any 18 month period will be held confidential and not show on your driving record if you complete a traffic violator school program.

To find a classroom traffic school near you or to find a traffic school on-line, please visit: the Department of Motor Vehicles website. The traffic schools listed on the site are licensed and regulated by the Department of Motor Vehicles. The Court assumes no liability when defendants choose this option and, if traffic school is not completed; all fines and fees posted with the court will be forfeited.

Commercial Driver License

Currently, California courts permit commercial license holders to attend traffic violator school if they receive a citation while driving a non-commercial vehicle. The conviction and point may still appear on your driver record, even if you successfully complete traffic school. However, if you are eligible for (see Traffic School section) and complete traffic school, you may contact the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to request the violation point be removed from the conviction. Please call the DMV Mandatory Actions department at (916) 657-6525. 

Do not contact the court, as we cannot contact DMV on your behalf or remove the point from your driving record. 

Traffic Violations, Proof of Correction, and Proof of Insurance

Some violations are dismissed upon proof of correction with payment of an Administrative Fee. Please check your Courtesy Notice. Other violations may require additional posting of bail. Your courtesy notice will inform you what is required in your case. If your citation requires proof of correction, you must have your vehicle inspected and the citation or the back of your courtesy notice signed by any law enforcement agency or DMV office.

Note: Proof of Insurance cannot be signed off by Law Enforcement or the DMV. You must provide proof you were insured, at the time of your violation, to the Traffic Clerk’s Office. If you did not have insurance at the time of your violation, you may still be eligible for a partial fine reduction, by submitting proof you obtained insurance after the fact.

Mandatory Appearance

If your citation requires a mandatory appearance, you must appear on the date and time, and in the department, indicated on your Courtesy Notice. The court locations are listed on the Home Page. You must wear proper attire when appearing in court. No tank tops, shorts, or bare feet are allowed.

Failure to Appear/Missed my Court Date
  • If you fail to appear, as promised when you signed the traffic citation, your fine may be sent to a collection agency. Should your fine be sent to a collection agency, you may still appear in court, apply for an Ability to Pay determination, or contact the collection agency to set up a payment plan. Please contact the clerk’s office at (209) 992-5692 for further assistance.
  • If your case has been forwarded to our collection agency Financial Credit Network, and you wish to pay in full or set up a payment arraignment to pay for your citation, please contact them at (800) 540-9011 or visit their website at
  • If you failed to appear for your scheduled in-person or Zoom Court Trial, you may file an Ex Parte Motion to Vacate Conviction (this form is for infraction cases only). You can find this form at It must be filed with the Court, no later than, 20 days of the original trial date.
Parking Citations

The San Joaquin County Superior Court does not handle parking tickets. Refer to the instructions on the reverse side of your parking ticket for information regarding payment, failure to respond and contesting the ticket. If you received a parking violation and have additional questions, DO NOT call the Court. You must contact the agency listed on your parking ticket for further assistance.


Juvenile tickets cannot be paid over the phone or online. Juveniles must appear in person or send payment via U.S. mail. DO NOT send cash through the mail. Call (209) 992-5698 for information regarding juvenile citations.

Additional Questions
  • If you require additional information, fill out the online form with all of the following:
    • Name as it appears on your License
    • Date of Birth
    • Citation or Court Case number
    • Driver’s License Number
  • Please allow up to three business days for a response.

Amended Rule 4.105

Rule 4.105 prohibits courts from requiring infraction defendants to deposit bail in order to appear at either arraignment or trial unless a specified exception applies. Under the rule, courts may only require infraction defendants to deposit bail prior to a first appearance when: · The defendant elects a statutory procedure (such as trial by written declaration) that requires the deposit of bail; · The defendant at arraignment refuses to sign a written promise to appear for future court proceedings; or · The court determines that the particular defendant is unlikely to appear as ordered without a deposit of bail and states its reasons for that finding on the record. To promote procedural fairness for infraction cases, the committees propose amendment of rule 4.105(d) to facilitate the notice provisions. The amended rule would require that the local website of trial courts must include a link to the statewide traffic self-help information posted on the California judicial branch website at: In addition to information on appearance at court for arraignment and trial, the self-help information includes guidance on other subjects such as traffic violator school, payment plans, community service, correctable violations, trial by written declaration, and consequences for failure to appear or pay.